April 27, 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2 #

Reading Comprehension of Toefl

Questions 51-60 refer to the following passage.
We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. At present we are forced to look to other bodies in the solar system for hints as to what the early history of the Earth was like. Studies of our moon, Mercury, Mars, and the large satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence that all these large celestial bodies were bombarded by smaller objects in a wide variety of sizes shortly after the larger bodies had formed. This same bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The lunar record indicates that the rate of impacts decreased to its present low level about 4 billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent erosion and crustal motions have obliterated the craters that must have formed during this epoch.
Scientists estimate the Earth's age by measuring the ratios of various radioactive elements in rocks. The oldest Earth rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3 billion years old. But no one knows whether these are the oldest rocks on Earth. Tests on rocks from the moon and on meteorites show that these are about 4.6 billion years old. Scientists believe that this is the true age of the solar system and probably the true age of the Earth.

51. In line 7, the word "obliterated" means
(A) created.
(B) destroyed.
(C) changed.
(D) eroded.

52. According to this passage, how do scientists estimate the age of the Earth?
(A) By measuring the ratios of radioactive elements in rocks
(B) By examining fossils
(C) By studying sunspots
(D) By examining volcanic activity

53. Scientists estimate the age of the Earth as
(A) 3 1/3 billion years old.
(B) 4 billion years old.
(C) 4.6 billion years old.
(D) 6 billion years old.

54. Which of the following processes led to the obliteration of the craters formed by the bombardment of the Earth by celestial bodies?
(A) Volcanic activity
(B) Solar radiation
(C) Gravity
(D) Crustal motions

55. According to the passage, why are scientists forced to look at other bodies in the solar system to determine the early history of the Earth?
(A) Human alteration of the Earth
(B) Erosion and crustal motions
(C) Solar flares
(D) Deforestation

56. What is the BEST title for this passage?
(A) "Determining the Age of the Earth"
(B) "Determining the Age of the Solar System"
(C) "Erosion and Crustal Motion of Earth"
(D) "Radioactive Elements in Rocks"

57. Which of the following bodies was NOT studied to give evidence that the Earth was bombarded in its early history?
(A) Mars
(B) Mercury
(C) Jupiter
(D) Earth's moon

58. Bombardment of the Earth at one time by various sized bodies is
(A) inferred from what happened on other planetary bodies.
(B) documented fact.
(C) proven by the lunar record.
(D) indicated by erosion.

59. The level of impacts of the bombardments of Earth have
(A) decreased to below normal.
(B) increased to a current high.
(C) increased after a periodic low.
(D) decreased to a current low.

60. In line 5, the word "bombardment" means
(A) an avoidance.
(B) an assault.
(C) an effect.
(D) a cause.


April 23, 2012


Apakah stroke itu ?
Penyakit stroke adalah gangguan fungsi otak akibat aliran darah ke otak mengalami gangguan (berkurang). Akibatnya, nutrisi dan oksigen yang dbutuhkan otak tidak terpenuhi dengan baik. Penyebab stroke ada 2 macam, yaitu adanya sumbatan di pembuluh darah (trombus), dan adanya pembuluh darah yang pecah.

Umumnya stroke diderita oleh orang tua, karena proses penuaan menyebabkan pembuluh darah mengeras dan menyempit (arteriosclerosis) dan adanya lemak yang menyumbat pembuluh darah (atherosclerosis). Tapi beberapa kasus terakhir menunjukkan peningkatan kasus stroke yang terjadi pada usia remaja dan usia produktif (15 - 40 tahun). Pada golongan ini, penyebab utama stroke adalah stress, penyalahgunaan narkoba, alkohol, faktor keturunan, dan gaya hidup yang tidak sehat.

Penyebab stroke
Pada kasus stroke usia remaja, faktor genetika (keturunan) merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya stroke. Sering ditemui kasus stroke yang disebabkan oleh pembuluh darah yang rapuh dan mudah pecah, atau kelainan sistem darah seperti penyakit hemofilia dan thalassemia yang diturunkan oleh orang tua penderita. Sedangkan jika ada anggota keluarga yang menderita diabetes (penyakit kencing manis), hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi), dan penyakit jantung, kemungkinan terkena stroke menjadi lebih besar pada anggota keluarga lainnya.

Penyebab serangan stroke lainnya adalah makanan dengan kadar kolesterol jahat (Low Density Lipoprotein) yang sangat tinggi. Koleserol jahat ini banyak terdapat pada junk food, atau makanan cepat saji. Selain itu, penyebab terjadinya serangan stroke lainnya adalah kebiasaan malas berolah raga dan bergerak, banyak minum alkohol, merokok, penggunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif, waktu istirahat yang sangat kurang, serta stress yang berkepanjangan. Pecahnya pembuluh darah juga sering diakibatkan karena penyakit tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi).

Gejala terjadinya serangan stroke
Gejala awal stroke umumnya pusing, kepala serasa berputar (seperti penyakit vertigo), kemudian disusul dengan gangguan berbicara dan menggerakkan otot mulut. Gejala lainnya adalah tergangguanya sensor perasa (tidak bisa merasakan apapun , seperti dicubit atau ditusuk jarum) dan tubuh terasa lumpuh sebelah, serta tidak adanya gerakan refleks. Sering juga terjadi buta mendadak atau kaburnya pandangan (karena suplai darah dan oksigen ke mata berkurang drastis), terganggunya sistem rasa di mulut dan otot-otot mulut (sehingga sering dijumpai wajah penderita menjadi mencong), lumpuhnya otot-otot tubuh yang lain, dan terganggunya sistem memory dan emosi. Sering dijumpai penderita tidak dapat menghentikan tangisnya karena lumpuhnya kontrol otak pada sistem emosinya. Hal itu membuat penderita stroke berlaku seperti penderita penyakit kejiwaan, padahal bukan. Hal-hal seperti ini yang perlu dimengerti oleh keluarga penderita.

Proses penyembuhan
Ada 2 proses penyembuhan utama yang harus dijalani penderita. Pertama adalah penyembuhan dengan obat-obatan di rumah sakit. Kontrol yang ketat harus dilakukan untuk menjaga agar kadar kolesterol jahat dapat diturunkan dan tidak bertambah naik. Selain itu, penderita juga dilarang makan makanan yang dapat memicu terjadinya serangan stroke seperti junk food dan garam (dapat memicu hipertensi).

Proses penyembuhan kedua adalah fisiotherapy, yaitu latihan otot-otot untuk mengembalikan fungsi otot dan fungsi komunikasi agar mendekati kondisi semula. Fisiotherapi dilakukan bersama instruktur fisiotherapi, dan pasien harus taat pada latihan yang dilakukan. Jika fisiotherapi ini tidak dijalani dengan sungguh-sungguh, maka dapat terjadi kelumpuhan permanen pada anggota tubuh yang pernah mengalami kelumpuhan.

Kesembuhan pada penderita stroke sangat bervariasi. Ada yang bisa sembuh sempurna (100 %), ada pula yang cuma 50 % saja. Kesembuhan ini tergantung dari parah atau tidaknya serangan stroke, kondisi tubuh penderita, ketaatan penderita dalam menjalani proses penyembuhan, ketekunan dan semangat penderita untuk sembuh, serta dukungan dan pengertian dari seluruh anggota keluarga penderita. Seringkali ditemui bahwa penderita stroke dapat pulih kembali, tetapi menderita depresi hebat karena keluarga mereka tidak mau mengerti dan merasa sangat terganggu dengan penyakit yang dideritanya (seperti sikap tidak menerima keadaan penderita, perlakuan kasar karena harus membersihkan kotoran penderita, menyerahkan penderita kepada suster yang juga memperlakukan penderita dengan kasar, dan sebagainya). Hal ini yang harus dihindarkan jika ada anggota keluarga yang menderita serangan stroke.

Tanggapan (Response) ::
From the article above, we can conclude that, all sorts of diseases, especially stroke, should not be underestimated. Since the early / early age we must examine our health and consultation to doctors in order to prevent a stroke that harm, and set a healthy diet. We take the example of fast food. Probably most people think of fast food is delicious, tasty, easy /simple, affordable and fast presentation. It turned out that such foods can trigger we suffered a stroke, because the food is not good for the body if consumed in excessive /frequent. Moreover, eating foods that contain lots of salt. Should be we reduce it, for the sake of our health. Therefore, the best prevention there is on the pattern of our own lives, if living a healthy life, then the smaller the risk of stroke. Therefore, to care and to take good care better your body.

lirik lagu "Domino - Jessie J"

I'm feeling sexy and free
Like glitter's raining on me
You're like a shot of pure gold
I think I'm 'bout to explode

I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air
Now I'm breathing like I'm running cause you're taking me there
Don't you know...you spin me out of control

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
We can do this all night
Turn this club, skin tight
Baby come on
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Pull me like a bass drum
Sparkin' up a rhythm
Baby, come on!
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Rock my world into the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

Every second is a highlight
When we touch don't ever let me go
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

You got me losing my mind
My heart beats out of time
I'm seeing Hollywood stars
You stroke me like a guitar

I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air
Now I'm breathing like I'm running cause you're taking me there
Don't you know...i think about to explore

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
We can do this all night
Turn this club, skin tight
Baby come on
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Pull me like a bass drum
Sparkin' up a rhythm
Baby, come on!
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Rock my world into the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

Every second is a highlight
When we touch don't ever let me go
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right
Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight
Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right
Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight
Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right
Ooh baby baby dancing in the moonlight
Ooh baby baby got me feeling so right

Rock my world into the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

Every second is a highlight
When we touch don't ever let me go
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

April 4, 2012

Lirik Lagu "Jet Lag" - Simple Plan

[Verse 1]
What time is it where you are?
I miss you more than anything
Back at home you feel so far
Waitin for the phone to ring
It's gettin lonely livin upside down
I don't even wanna be in this town
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
and my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
is so jetlagged

[Verse 2]
What time is it where you are?
5 more days and i'll be home
I keep your picture in my car
I hate the thought of you alone
I've been keepin busy all the time
Just to try to keep you off my mind
Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
and my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
is so jetlagged 

I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I miss you so bad
I wanna share your horizon
I miss you so bad
and see the same sunrising
I miss you so bad
Turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me.

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you when you say
good morning
But it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
It's drivin me mad
I miss you so bad
and my heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
heart heart heart is so jetlagged
is so jetlagged
is so jetlagged

April 3, 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2 #

(structure of toefl)
         1.            I wish your daughter ... here with us now.
a)      To be
b)      Were
c)       Can be
d)      Is
The answer is (b), testing point: with clause. We use either past tense (for present and future action) or past perfect (for past action) in the clause coming after ‘wish’. When we use ‘to be’ in the past tense in a wish-clause we normally use ‘were’ instead of ‘was’ with the singular subjects.
        2.            He hoped ... rich one day.
a)      Being
b)      He would be
c)       He will be
d)      To being
The answer is (b), pattern 1: hope + to-infinitive. Pattern 2: hope + that-clause. ‘Hope’ can be followed by an infinitive or a clause. He hopes to go. He hopes he will go.
        3.            We will have to think of ... method.
a)      Other
b)      New
c)       Different
d)      Another
The answer is (d), pattern: another + singular countable noun. ‘Another’ means ‘additional, different’, ‘the other’ means ‘second of the two’. Give me another book. (Give me a different/additional one). Give me the other book.
       4.            I felt ill ... i went to work.
a)      So
b)      So that
c)       Neither
d)      Nevertheless
The answer is (d), testing point: nevertheless. Nevertheless = however. I got up early, however i was late.
       5.            You don’t need to buy any food, ...
a)      To
b)      Also
c)       Either
d)      Neither
The answer is (c), testing point: either. Remember that ‘also’ and ‘too’ is changed into ‘either’ in negative sentence. He also a doctor. He is a doctor, too. He isn’t a doctor, either.
       6.            I stood still ... a while.
a)      For
b)      In
c)       At
d)      Within
The answer is (a), testing point: for a while. For a while = for a short time. For a while he hesitated.
       7.            Politeness ... nothing.
a)      Costs
b)      Prices
c)       Worths
d)      Values
The answer is (a), testing point: cost. To cost = to have at the price of, This book costs 10 dollars.
       8.            I don’t think John’s a clever student ... all.
a)      At
b)      For
c)       In
d)      Behind
The answer is (a), testing point: at all. At all = in any way, in the least, to the smallest degree. ‘At all’ is used in negative sentences. I don’t like her at all.
       9.            What ... you to the doctor today ?
a)      Does bring
b)      Brings
c)       Is
d)      Did bring
The answer is (b), testing point: what (as subject). What can ask the subject, in this case we don’t use an auxiliary in simple present, simple past and present perfect tense. What gives you headache ? (‘what’ asks the subject). Noise gives me headache. (‘noise’ is the subject).
     10.            I saw florance ... in a cafe.
a)      Sitting
b)      To sit
c)       Sat
d)      Has sat
The answer is (a), pattern: see sb doing sth. I saw him running away. (i saw him while he was running)
       11.            I found it difficult to get ... sleep again.
a)      To
b)      Into
c)       For
d)      Onto
The answer is (a), pattern: to get to sleep = to succeed in sleeping. It is usually used in the negative. I couldn’t go to sleep last night because of the noise. (Remember also go to sleep = to fall asleep).
      12.            You should book ... advance.
a)      As
b)      In
c)       For
d)      Before
The answer is (b), pattern: in advance = before in time. We paid the rent in advance.
      13.            I find opera too ...
a)      Bored
b)      Boring
c)       Bore
d)      Boredom
The answer is (b), pattern: find sb/sth + adjective. Boring = uninteresting. I think love films are boring.
     14.            I don’t ... you to use these slang words.
a)      Suggest
b)      Advise
c)       Let
d)      Telling
The answer is (b), pattern: to tell sb to do sth ‘advise’ can be used in the above pattern. He told me to shoot. He advised me to shoot.
     15.            He insisted ... for the meal.
a)      To pay
b)      On paying
c)       Pay
d)      Paying
The answer is (b), pattern: to insist on sth/doing. The verb ‘pay’ is used with ‘for’. He paid for the meal.